18 Things You Can Expect Atheists to Say or Ask & How to Respond

I’ve participated in hundreds of discussions and had thousands of replies with atheist. You have ones who are sincere and others who are trolls. Be mindful, it isn’t your job to convince them of anything. However, what is important is to represent yourself as a loving human being, demonstrate a willingness to exchange, and emulate what you claim are the principles you live your life by.

Based on my experience here are 21 things they say and some tips on how to respond.

#1. Jesus never existed:

You can use these points in conversation:

Here is an article by an atheist outlining the case for Jesus existing. Ask what points in this article they disagree with https://t.co/ihuzKfIyeU

Here is an excerpt from the article:

Scholars who specialise in the origins of Christianity agree on very little, but they do generally agree that it is most likely that a historical preacher, on whom the Christian figure “Jesus Christ” is based, did exist.  The numbers of professional scholars, out of the many thousands in this and related fields, who don’t accept this consensus, can be counted on the fingers of one hand.  Many may be more cautious about using the term “historical fact” about this idea, since as with many things in ancient history it is not quite as certain as that.  But it is generally regarded as the best and most parsimonious explanation of the evidence and therefore the most likely conclusion that can be drawn.

The opposite idea – that there was no historical Jesus at all and that “Jesus Christ” developed out of some purely mythic ideas about a non-historical, non-existent figure – has had a chequered history over the last 200 years, but has usually been a marginal idea at best.  Its heyday was in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, when it seemed to fit with some early anthropological ideas about religions evolving along parallel patterns and being based on shared archetypes, as characterised by Sir James Frazer’s influential comparative religion study The Golden Bough (1890). But it fell out of favour as the twentieth century progressed and was barely held by any scholars at all by the 1960s.

More recently the “Jesus Myth” hypothesis has experienced something of a revival, largely via the internet, blogging and “print on demand” self-publishing services.  But its proponents are almost never scholars, many of them have a very poor grasp of the evidence and almost all have clear ideological objectives.  Broadly speaking, they fall into two main categories: (i) New Agers claiming Christianity is actually paganism rebadged and (ii) anti-Christian atheist activists seeking to use their “exposure” of historical Jesus scholarship to undermine Christianity.  Both claim that the consensus on the existence of a historical Jesus is purely due to some kind of iron-grip that Christianity still has on the subject, which has suppressed and/or ignored the idea that there was no historical Jesus at all.

#2. Why aren’t there more ancient writings about Jesus?:

An atheist answers this here: https://historyforatheists.com/2017/05/did-jesus-exist-the-jesus-myth-theory-again/

Beyond that a few additional considerations.

There was no cloud computing, typewriters or significant elements of storage back then. The literacy rate was low and storage of the written word was extremely rare.

The oldest writings in Rome about Christianity outside of Paul’s writings are dated to after 100 AD. Based on what we know about the spread of Christianity in Rome we know it was already an established faith by 100 AD and can safely assume many people wrote about it, however; those writings are all lost to us.

During 70 AD the Jewish temple was lost to us and with it any potential writings during the time of Jesus life. In fact we have little writing fragments and no significant writings prior to 200 AD from Pharisees and they were among the most literate people of the time.

Other historical figures like Hannibal have no contemporary writing during their lives as well. The standards and practices of the ancient world is foreign to modern society, creating often a level of skepticism that is unfounded.

#3 Faith has no value:

Here is scientific evidence faith has value: https://news.stanford.edu/2020/11/13/deep-faith-beneficial-health/

Additionally anecdotal evidence of significant historical figures and how faith empowered them. Individuals like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Dr. King, Harriet Tubman, and Barack Obama are a few.

#4 The belief in God is just based in brainwashing:

This research from Oxford suggest humans are pre-disposed to believe in God. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/07/110714103828.htm#:~:text=New%20research%20finds%20that%20humans,spirit%20lives%20on%20after%2Ddeath.

#5 Bible isn’t reliable:

Based on comparative archeological standards. The bible is the most reliable book from the ancient world.

#6 Personal experience shouldn’t be weighed:

We allow eyewitnesses to testify in court. Often times their testimony is not substantiated by any objective piece of data.

If we believe personal experiences shouldn’t be weighed it would be the equivalent of suggesting that a person claiming they were sexually harassed should not be allowed to make any claim because they don’t have physical evidence.

Lastly, any atheist would have to admit that if they did have a one-on-one experience with God that they believed were authentic they would have no way of scientifically demonstrating it to other people. It would be true to them, but not to others.

#7 God can’t be scientifically proven:

Dr. Michio Kaku one of the leading Theoretical Physicist in the world says this:

“Can you prove the existence of God? Probably not. Science is based on evidence which is testable, reproducible, and falsifiable. So God is outside the usual boundary of science. Also, it is impossible to disprove a negative, so you cannot disprove the existence of God, either.”

One of the big issues is that if you assume one or even several people had an actual experience with God since it wasn’t recorded, replicable, or testable even if legitimate it would not fit the standard for being scientifically tested. You can see Dr. Kaku tweet here: https://twitter.com/michiokaku/status/1071826559974166528

#8 No Need for God: Spontaneous Generation

Pasteur Experiment

In 1861, Louis Pasteur presented evidence that would virtually put an end to the debate. He designed an experiment similar to Spallanzani’s, however, Pasteur’s experiment implemented a way to filter out microorganisms. Pasteur used a flask with a long, curved tube called a swan-necked flask. This flask allowed air to have access to the heated broth while trapping dust containing bacterial spores in the curved neck of the tube. The results of this experiment were that no microbes grew in the broth. When Pasteur tilted the flask on its side allowing the broth access to the curved neck of the tube and then set the flask upright again, the broth became contaminated and ​bacteria reproduced in the broth. Bacteria also appeared in the broth if the flask was broken near the neck allowing the broth to be exposed to non-filtered air. This experiment demonstrated that bacteria appearing in broth are not the result of spontaneous generation. The majority of the scientific community considered this conclusive evidence against spontaneous generation and proof that living organisms only arise from living organisms.

Additional info here: https://webprojects.oit.ncsu.edu/project/bio183de/Black/cellintro/cellintro_reading/Spontaneous_Generation.html

Abiogenesis is slightly different. The challenge here is primordial earth was way more hostile to living creatures than today: https://www.sciencealert.com/there-was-probably-less-lightning-on-the-early-earth-and-here-s-why

There is no true proven explanation for how life as complicated as that appears on earth could spur without divine intervention. Even assuming microbes from meteorites came to the planet its a long journey from there to here. There is currently no evidence advanced life anywhere near on the scale of earth exist elsewhere in the cosmos. This lack of evidence standard is the same atheist use in their debates.

#9 We know how the universe started

Yes we have a few theories that give us an idea of how our universe started. However, our universe is note representative of all existence. The Big Bang is an expansion theory. It is the beginning of time and space as we experience it. However, whatever pre-dated the beginning of our universe existed independent of time and space as we know it today. One could argue that would make it eternal and interdimensional in nature.

You can see some additional thoughts here: https://spiritualinferences.wordpress.com/2017/10/17/how-a-quantum-portal-infers-gods-existence-and-why-arguing-there-is-no-god-when-95-of-the-universe-is-not-observable-is-just-an-assumption/

#10 DNA Proves The Bible Is Wrong

At first glance this seems like a logical theory. However there are a couple of major gaps/challenges:

A) When Cain slays Abel he ask God for protection from other people on earth. This tells us there were other people on the planet.

An atheist recently responded and said that this could have been other children of Adam and Eve. While this cannot be completely dismissed. Seth is described as the next child.

B) Another consideration is that to believe in a God would be to believe in God’s ability to extend beyond traditional science. Meaning putting the biodiversity of all future humans into a few of the earliest humans.

C) The Old Testament if you read it neutrally is the story of Jewish lineage. As you follow it you notice there isn’t an emphasis on what is happening with the Chinese, Europeans, and Central/South Africa which the writers of the bible were all aware of. It is a regional focus and so all references to “The world” are references to the region.

#11 Why does suffering occur?

This question makes sense. It is something that demands compassion. Especially for those who have lost children or parent children that have severe disabilities.

A) Bad things may happen to good people in this world, but this world is not the end

B) Jesus was Righteous, yet He suffered more than we can imagine. We follow in His footsteps: “If you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God. To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. ‘He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth.’ When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats.

C) Free will cannot exist on earth without there being consequences. Sadly the free will of others impacts our very own lives.

D) 80 years or less of existence on earth helps prepare us for what’s next. 80 years in a world with suffering is like the size of a pebble in the ocean when you compare it to billions of years+ in eternity

#12 There are so many Gods why is yours right?

There are a few key things that significantly differ Jesus teachings from other deities.

A) At the time his teachings were completely counterinitiative to humanity at the time. It’s easy to validate this based on how the Pharisees and Sadducees responded to him.

B) He called for people to go against things that seem natural. No more eye for an eye. Turn the other cheek. Look inward before judging others. This along with other teachings was a paradigm shift.

C) Every other religion I’m aware of uses what I call “scale theory.” This means a person’s place in eternity is determined by how good vs bad they are. The problem with this is what is that standard? Do you have to be 80% good, 60% good or 51% good? If you were 80% good but on the last day of your life you did something bad does that now disqualify you? Jesus standard was simple. Belief! Such a standard is upsetting but it also at least is predictable and measurable. It also meant to the dismay of many that anyone can be redeemed.

#13 Noah’s Flood is Fake

A) There is numerous pieces of evidence suggesting there was a major regional flood at the time Noah describes.

B) The writers knew the region. They only had visibility of their lens. The OT is referencing the experience of Jewish people and those who interacted with them.

C) This interpretation removes the need to be concerned about all people coming from Noah as this interpretation leaves other people on the planet.

#14 Why Doesn’t God Reveal Self and Clear All This U:

A) The bible says faith is an important principle in life. If God was known there would be no need for faith.

B) Someone might revert back to well what is the benefit of faith? This article clears that up: https://news.stanford.edu/2020/11/13/deep-faith-beneficial-health/

C) If God did reveal himself one time. How long do you think it be before atheist reappeared? They wouldn’t certainly return so it wouldn’t clear up the matter.

#15 God’s None Presence Proves He doesn’t Exist

See answer #14

#16 God is either not all powerful or is evil

The term all powerful or omnipotent is ascribed to God and used by atheist to say God can do anything. This misses some important contextual clues laid out in the Bible and by basic logic.

A) God is eternal. Therefore God cannot commit suicide. Therefore God cannot do anything. So words like all powerful and omnipotent like any other human word cannot give full justice to God. No word describing God is complete

B) God can bind himself. When he granted humans free will on earth it meant not overriding that free will on earth

The consequences that occur are tied to free will. Not to God wanting there to be evil.

C) Understandably there is a ton said about Old Testament behavior. This is not easily reconcilable. This is a ponit where leaning on we don’t know all of God’s ways may be reasonable. In addition there are some thoughtful writings on the topic worth discussing and seeing what resonates in your heart. Here for example is one that resonates with me:

“So one possible resolution to the moral and theological dilemma raised by the texts is that Old Testament passages about violence and war thus tell us more about the people who wrote them and the times they were living in than about the God in whose name they claimed authority to do these things.”

#17 The Wisdom From The Bible is Unimportant

A) The Bible has sold 5 billion copies. Making it the top selling book of all time. This by itself shows empirical evidence of importance.

B) There are several unique concepts in the bible. If others have said them previously; the bible is unique in threading the combination of them together. Here are a few examples:

Power is made perfect in weakness.

Don’t be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds

He that is slow to wrath is of great understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exalteth folly.

C) There are many list based on categories:

Here are 12 business principles from the bible: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/12-biblical-principles-which-build-business-ken-gosnell/

Here are 21 lessons on marriage from the bible. Even removing the ones that are about God specifically many are very practical: https://connectusfund.org/21-marriage-lessons-from-the-bible

91 verses about wisdom and knowledge and same here. Even removing the ones that reference God there is much value: https://testimon.io/blog/bible-verses-about-wisdom-and-knowledge

#18 The Bible is Full of Contradictions

A) Christians are Christians because they weigh the words of Jesus more. Think of the OT as Windows 3.1 and NT as Windows 10.

B) Anything the NT doesn’t cancel out remains and this is what Jesus means when he says teachings remain true. So many of the commandments still stand and many of the principles

C) To understand the bible use “The Every Verse Method.”

Pick a topic, look up every scripture on it and decide outcome by weighing the majority of the evidence. Things in NT outweigh OT.